Friday, November 9, 2007

Living Missionary Style

And for those that are concerned that Sarah's adventure in Uganda is not so "missionary-like"... let me give you a true taste of missionary life....

Where's the Toilet....................................??

"Welcome to Uganda Sarah" - I haven't even been in the country 24hrs and this is where we stop to pee. All I got to say girls, is thank God I was wearing a skirt. And I had to use my backpack to keep the door shut, though it hardly increased the privacy. I truly believe toilets are the best invention. I do have a toilet in my room, but once you leave home, you never know what you'll find!

Where is the Power.........................................??

So I've gotten tons of questions about my living situation here. I am currently NOT living on the Hope Village property. Buildings still need to be built there! Right now I rent a room at Banana Village with the Iverson family, which is also where the CBC Storm Team stayed when they were here in July. I am feeling settled in and this is beginning to feel like home.... the only reminder that "this is Africa" is that I've only had power for about 30% of my time here (and thats now exaggeration)... according to Royce Iverson, it wasn't like this before I came!
But, here is a look at home.....

Next best invention, next to the toilet, is electricity (thank you Mr. Edison). I guess no electricity on Sunday is a pretty normal event here in Kampala since government will divert power to different areas of the country on a rotation system due to the shortage of it. However, on Monday we woke up without power still. Turns out the power lines were down (and still are), due to the huge thunder and lightening storm we had. Without electricity you can’t charge our computers or our cell phones, and since the power warms our showers, its been a cold couple of days! Basically to sum it up, since I have only had electricity for 30% of my time in Uganda, you essentially get use to it and adapt. If the power is on, you jump in the shower darn quick, whether you need one or not!

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