Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dead Man in the Street

The value of life is just not the same here in Africa. For example, crossing the street here will get you killed as demonstrated by the dead man we saw laying in the middle of the street on Saturday. Traffic continued to move by, as if it was business as usual. In the United States, a dead body in the road would have blocked traffic for hours. And worse yet, here another man took the shoes from the dead man’s body. Who knows how long he will lay there in the middle of the road. Someone said that people, especially white people, don’t stop because here, they are quick to judge and they will probably think it was you, who hit him with your car. Then on occasion maybe even take matters into their own hands, which often includes stoning people in the street. So unfortunately, you don't stop to help here often.

It is risky business here because there are no speed limits, no stop signs and everyone drives on the wrong side of the road! And to make matters worse, I have counted a total of only TWO (2) stop lights in the entire city of Kampala - which has close to 3 million people living in it! Therefore, I thought something so rare, deserved to have its picture taken!

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